Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Mother, daughter arrested in robbery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mother, little girl captured in theft - Essay Example She is being hung on $250,000 bond at the Eastern Regional Jail anticipating removal back to Washington County, Maryland where she is accused in warrants of burglary, furnished theft, being an outlaw from equity and different offenses. Her 16-year-old little girl, Jade Wilson, was captured at Martinsburg High School about an hour prior to her mother’s capture, was arrested and is being hung on $125,000 bail at the Vicki V. Douglas Center. As indicated by The Herald-Mail Company, it isn't clear in the event that she will be moved to an adolescent office in Maryland. Like her mom, she is anticipating removal to Hagerstown, where the youngster is relied upon to be charged as a grown-up. As per Sergeant Roy Harsh of the Washington County Sheriff’s Department, the bank burglary happened when two females gave a teller a note and one lady indicated a firearm that she had in her sleeve. They left with a vague measure of cash. During the hour of the theft, the bank was open and one client was inside. The theft was brisk and exceptionally calm and the client inside the bank didn't take note of that it was going on. The two purportedly took the note back and quickly left the manage an account with the cash in a sack. Police accept that the two suspects moved into an escape vehicle with a potential West Virginia enrollment. The sheriffs office says they utilized a portion of the cash to pay $750 in back due lease. As per agents, there is a chance of more captures for the situation (McMillion, 2009). It is just a demonstration joined by indicated conditions and a fundamental component of a wrongdoing that must be demonstrated to make sure about a conviction. The actus reus of the current case included looting the Susquehanna Bank office in Halfway, Maryland. Note that the suspects couldn't be rebuffed for speculation criminal considerations yet for
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Inhibition of DNA processing in heavy metal carcinogenesis Essay
Restraint of DNA preparing in substantial metal carcinogenesis - Essay Example In any case, in spite of the fact that it has been noticed that some substantial metals may repress SSB (single strand break) rejoining, the impacts on single strand break end-preparing chemicals has never recently been examined. Initial, an examination on the DNA replication because of topo-1 protein will be finished. This will show how topo-1 compound is liable for twisting of DNA structures. An image examination will be incorporated to show proof of the procedure. As referenced before, various substantial metals have impacts on the living organism’ DNA. The metals will be talked about along with their belongings. This paper likewise investigates hindrance of superoxide dismutases. This protein catalysis the dismutation of amazingly receptive superoxide particles to create hydrogen peroxide and various lines of proof suggest that these compounds have critical impact in the turn of events and furthermore reaction to treatment of malignancies. These are compounds that control under-twisting and over-twisting of DNA. DNA twisting originates from the interweaved idea of its twofold helical structure. For example, during replication of DNA, DNA is overwound before a replication fork. At the point when it isn't controlled, it will in the end lead to a stop in DNA replication. A comparable procedure is seen during interpretation. To beat the topological issues coming about because of the twofold helix, topoisomerases will undoubtedly single or twofold abandoned DNA and cut the phosphate spine of the DNA. This unwinds the DNA discharging the DNA spine once more. Since the concoction structure of the DNA continues as before, the unwound DNAs are synthetic isomers. Along these lines, topoisomerases are isomerase proteins which chip away at the DNA topology. The N-terminal space is then gone before by a profoundly rationed, 421 amino corrosive center area that contains the entirety of the reactant buildups aside from the dynamic site tyrosine. A protease-touchy and inadequately saved linker area
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Growing deep and strong!
Growing deep and strong! One day, my mother and I were working together in the garden where we were transplanting plants for the third time.Grown from seed in a small container, the plants had been transferred to a larger container; then transplanted into the garden. Now, because I was moving, we were transplanting them once again.Inexperienced as a gardener, I turned to my green-thumbed mother. Isn’t this bad for them? I asked, as we dug them up and shook the dirt from the roots. Won’t it hurt these plants, being uprooted and transplanted so many times? Oh my mother replied. Transplanting doesn’t hurt them. In fact, it’s good for the ones that survive. That’s how their roots grow strong. Their roots will grow deep, and they will make strong plants.Often, I’ve felt like those small plants â€" uprooted and turned upside. Sometimes I’ve endured the change willingly, sometimes reluctantly, but usually my reaction has been a combination. Won’t this be hard on me? I ask. Wouldn’t things be bett er if things remained the same? That’s when I remember my mother’s words: That’s how the roots grow deep and strong.By Chaplain Lisa Bohannon Wouldn’t things be better if things remained the same? That’s when I remember my mother’s words: That’s how the roots grow deep and strong.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Obesity The Problem With Obesity Essay - 2201 Words
Many Americans today face the problem with obesity. This happens to be one of the most concerned health problems in the United States and what is even worse is that the age group that we are most worried about is the young children. Certain measures are not being taken to protect the health of our children. The diet and physical activity have taken a turn for the worst. Those are the two main factors to a healthy lifestyle and when they aren’t being enforced at a young age then kids most likely aren’t going to choose to live healthy as adults. According to Asheley Skinner, an associate professor medicine at Duke University, kids with severe obesity aren’t being helped by small or single interventions. Choosing small things and doing small things is not enough for kids with severe obesity. Obesity requires thinking at every level, and thinking across the entire population (Park, 2016). An intervention is the full range of strategies designed to protect health and prevent disease, disability, and death. One thing to consider is that public health problems are rarely completely eliminated with one intervention (Riegelman and Kirkwood, 2015). This essay will go into detail and provide statistics about a few interventions being done to further help kids on the brink of obesity or who are already severely overweight. Preventing child obesity is a major priority in the United States. The numbers are rising every year for overweight children and different interventions are takingShow MoreRelatedObesity : The Problem Of Obesity1643 Words  | 7 PagesTeen Obesity In Chicago Many Latino teens in Chicago suffer from what is called obesity. Throughout the Chicagoland, there are a variety communities that show health factor. In the Pilsen Community, obesity is highly defined in that area which determines the outlook on how Pilsen is in need of help for young teens to stay fit and lower the amount of obese teens that are in the Pilsen community. The problem would much simplier be not enough exercise or unhealthy foods that teens eat. However lackRead MoreThe Problem Of Obesity And Obesity1505 Words  | 7 Pagesabout Obesity, which has become one of the biggest issues in America. Obesity is the accumulation of unnecessary body fat. It is a lifestyle disease that is spreading fast worldwide. This disease is affecting individuals of all age, ethnicity, and gender. As we all know, America has an extended history of solving complex problems, but it seems like obesity has stuck with the American people. In the essay, called Politicians Want to tax us Thin, wri tten by Kyle Smith, she states, â€Å"We know obesity isRead MoreObesity Is A Problem Of Obesity1836 Words  | 8 Pagesthe state of Arkansas, are obese.(â€Å"Overweight and Obesity Statistics†1)As more and more states are on the rise with their obesity rates, with no signs of it slowing down. Obesity is quickly becoming a epidemic in the U.S, and the government is not making any moves to try and stop this problem. Due to reviewing many studies focused on the drastic effects of obesity, it is clear that obesity is a problem. But to many obesity is seen as a problem that can be easily fixed, and that it does not affectRead MoreObesity : The Problem Of Obesity896 Words  | 4 PagesObesity the crisis Obesity is a major problem in America. This is a health problem that affects people of all the ages. Although this disease has always existed recently, has increased due by the lack of knowledge of the people. People who have this disease suffer not only of physical problems but psychological as well, such as low self-esteem, depression, and bullying. Other significant elements that contribute to obesity are stress, anxiety, and inactivity. You must be aware that obesity is aRead MoreObesity : The Problem Of Obesity1307 Words  | 6 PagesOver the years, obesity has become the number one preventable cause of death in the Unite States. This leads to the question; who’s to blame? Are the food companies to blame for the price of their fattening food or should we say the people paying to eat at these places daily are at fault for their own health issues? There is many controversies over this topic, but we’re going to discover who is actually the culprit to the lingering questions of the rise in obesity, for both adults and children. EveryoneRead MoreThe Problem Of Obesity And Obesity1163 Words  | 5 PagesOne contemporary problem of health is obesity. Obesity is considered a lifestyle disease since it is not infectious or contagious and because it is chronic. But since it is labeled as a lifestyle disease, many people, both lay people and experts, only look at overweight and obese individual’s lifestyles and criticizes them. But not to look at wider possibilities that could be having a great influence on this epidemic (Warwick-Booth, Cross, and Lowcock, 2012). This can be seen in how people talk aboutRead MoreObesity : The Problem Of Obesity2110 Words  | 9 Pages Obesity in Children by Jackie Vu†¨C02171413 Goldenwest College for Psyc G118: Lifespan Development Dr. Yvonne Valenzuela November 16, 2014 Obesity in Children The problem of obesity in children is a serious issue in the United States and across the world. Results of recent research indicated that approximately one quarter of children ages 2-5 and one third of children of school age are considered to be overweight or obese in the U.S. (Ogden, Carroll, Kit, Flegal, 2014). AccordingRead MoreThe Problem With Obesity And Obesity995 Words  | 4 Pagesyou really know what is inside the can? Everything we put in our body effects us. From vegetables to doughnuts, everything carries nutritional facts with it. Some are better than others. But one thing is for sure; the nation is in a crisis with obesity. Weight gain is on a rise and more and more of the population is getting bigger and bigger. This can be credited to the nutritional value in the foods we eat. The food we are putting into our bodies is poisoning our population, creating diseases,Read MoreObesity : The Problem Of Pediatric Obesity Essay2132 Words  | 9 Pagesmedically referred to as childhood obesity. In recent years, policy makers and medical professionals have expressed alarm about the burgeoning problem of pediatric obesity in the United States. Consequently, extensive clinical pathological research has continuously been conducted to give answers and amicable solutions to reducing cases of this syndrome. While most concur that the issue it is a serious health issue, consensus resolves around appropriate responses to the problem. This literature review delvesRead MoreThe Problem of Obesity3993 Words  | 16 PagesThe Problem of Obesity Western Governors University Collegiate Level Reasoning and Problem Solving James Reed The Problem of Obesity Obesity is a major problem in American. Year after year, new diets are published, and new medications are hailed as wonder drugs that will take weight off with little physical effort, yet the problem still exists unabated. In testimony before the US Congress, Berzins (2001) asserted that, â€Å"[weight] is a complex result of heredity, culture and lifestyle
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Innovative Approaches Of Resistance And The Reorganization...
Through innovative approaches of resistance and the reorganization of the anti-apartheid movement and the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela helped bring an end to apartheid, an oppressive form of government that promoted systematic segregation and institutionalized racism in South Africa. The Afrikaans word apartheid means separateness, and during the period of the apartheid, people were classified and separated into different racial groups where the civil and human rights of non-whites were curtailed (Clark and Worger xxi). Although apartheid started in 1948, the roots of inequality were presented years before as a result of Dutch and British control. Both countries colonized South Africa in order to control South Africa’s lucrative and, generally, untapped mining industry. South African workers, including the skilled and unskilled, were forsaken to work menial jobs and receive low wages (34). The establishment of many unfair laws allowed for the takeover to occur; these laws mark the beginning of apartheid and many more discriminatory regulations that were to come which include, but are not limited to, pass laws, laws that required non-whites to have identification that showed their right to be in certain areas, and the exclusion of the non-white vote (McCuen 17-18). The daily lives of all South Africans were severely altered with the initiation and administration of apartheid. Even the simple things like where a person could live, type of work, or places a personShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagesacquirer Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Edmonds, Ennis Barrington. Rastafari : from outcasts to culture bearers / Ennis Barrington Edmonds. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-19-513376-5 1. Rastafari movement. 2. Jamaicaâ€â€Religious life and customs. I. Title. BL2532.R37 E36 2002 299†².676â€â€dc21 2002074897 v To Donnaree, my wife, and Donnisa, my daughter, the two persons around whom my life revolves; and to the ancestors whose struggles have enabledRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesextremely fragmented and there is no agreement concerning the underlying theoretical dimensions nor methodological approach to be employed. With the recognition of different approaches to organization theory, there is a widely perceived need to bring some order to the field. This textbook offers a well-integrated synthesis of approaches to organization theory. It will be welcomed by organization theory scholars and reflective practitioners and is a valuable companion for scholars and students of organizationRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesIncident 2 Job Candidates Without Strong SAT Scores Need Not Apply 570 S A L 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management Forces for Change 578 Planned Change 580 577 Resistance to Change 580 Overcoming Resistance to Change 582 †¢ The Politics of Change 584 CONTENTS xix Approaches to Managing Organizational Change 584 Lewin’s Three-Step Model 584 †¢ Kotter’s Eight-Step Plan for Implementing Change 586 †¢ Action Research 587 †¢ Organizational Development 587 Creating a CultureRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesCreativity, and Innovation 168 How Creative Are You ? 169 Innovative Attitude Scale 171 Creative Style Assessment 172 SKILL LEARNING 174 Problem Solving, Creativity, and Innovation 174 Steps in Analytical Problem Solving 174 Defining the Problem 174 Generating Alternatives 176 Evaluating Alternatives 176 Implementing the Solution 177 Limitations of the Analytical Problem-Solving Model 178 Impediments to Creative Problem Solving 178 Multiple Approaches to Creativity 179 Conceptual Blocks 183 Percy Spencer’sRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 Pagesin domestic and international collaboration for a New Zealand winery. KPMG (B) – building a global firm in professional services. Eden Project (A) – inspiration, innovation and entrepreneurship to create a new ‘wonder of the world’. Chem Tech – innovative strategy development in the ï ¬â€šavours and fragrances industry. Key: ââ€" ââ€" = major focus ââ€" = important subsidiary focus ECS8C_C01.qxd 22/10/2007 11:54 Page 603 A GUIDE TO THE CLASSIC CASES ON THE COMPANION WEBSITE 603 CASE Coors
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Water, the Finite Resources Free Essays
string(146) " in the risk stage because of the withdrawal of more fresh water for industry, agriculture, or cities in many areas \(as cited in Postel, 2000\)\." Water, The Finite Resources Outline I. Introduction A. Opener: What is water scarcity? B. We will write a custom essay sample on Water, the Finite Resources or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thesis statement: One of the crises that our environment is facing is fresh water scarcity which is a very serious issue and it affects our global environmental. II. Water shortage effects on environment and human beings. A. Causes disease B. Agricultural fields C. Poverty group D. Aquatic Ecosystems III. Water scarcity is causes by different factors. A. Global warming B. Changes of climate C. Decreasing ground water level D. Population growth and the increased consumption of water IV. Solution for water scarcity is a necessity. A. Water Sharing Treaty B. Environmentalists Oppose Desalination Solution C. Government’s rules, regulations and plan V. Conclusion: People should use water wisely to prepare a better future for our next generation. Water, Our Finite Resources One of the crises that our environment is facing is fresh water scarcity which is a very serious issue and it affects our global environment. In the boundless black desert of space, the Earth which is always a blue-green oasis has a finite stock of fresh water (Lean, 2009). Water is the principal element for all socio-economic growth and for sustaining healthy ecosystems (â€Å"Water scarcity: The†, n. . ). Water scarcity is the product of an inequity between the supply of and demand for water supplies in a geographical area. Plainly put, water scarcity is based on the lack of water which means the quantity of water and the lack of access to safe water which refers to quality of the water. It is hard to picture that safe and clean wa ter cannot be taken for granted; but, finding a dependable source of safe water consumes time and it is expensive in the developing world. This is defined as economic scarcity whereas physical scarcity of water can be overcome if more water can be found, but it needs more resources to do it. In other areas, the shortage of water is a more intense problem (FOA, n. d. ). There is only less than 1% of the world’s fresh water which is readily accessible for direct human use (â€Å"Water facts†, n. d. ). Lean (2009) researched that by 2030, more than half of the world’s population will stay in high risk areas. Based on the World Water Development report, which is compiled by 24 UN agencies under the auspices of UNESCO, add that shortages of water are starting to constrain the economic growth in regions as diverse as Australia, California, Chia, India, and Indonesia (FOA, n. d. ). Thus, this can show that water scarcity really affects human beings and the environment especially poverty, agriculture field, aquatic ecosystems, and causes disease. Poverty is the largest issue on which water crisis has an impact. Shah (2010) announced that there are 2. 6 billion people in the world who lack basic sanitation whereas inadequate access to water has affected 1. 1 billion people in developing countries, while the rest of world enjoys direct access to freshwater for domestic use. For poor people, water scarcity is about ensuring the fair and safe access which they need to secure their livelihoods, and sustain their lives. FOA, n. d. ). About 1. 8 billion people only can access water within one kilometer and consume around twenty liters per day; people in United Kingdom use on average 150liters per day. One out of every five children (400 million) from the developing world does not have access to safe water. Around 443 million children lost their school days each year fr om water-related illness (Shah, 2010). Furthermore, lack of water means millions of women are spending many hours every day in collecting water, sometimes from several miles away (FOA, n. d. ). It is clearly show that water scarcity is preventing them from attaining even first step on the socioeconomic ladder. Water scarcity has a huge influence on agriculture fields and food production. (Sentlinger, n. d. ) Since agriculture is the biggest water consumer, it takes 70percent of the total use; water deficiency causes weak farming harvest, loss of animal wealth in farmland, and leads to insecurity of food. (â€Å"Water security†, 2010) Moreover, the amount of water needs for food production is the problem. People desire more and more water for even more agriculture. Yet the most major contributor to water scarcity and to the ecosystem is the way people use water (Molden, De Fraiture, Rijisberman, 2007). In addition, the quantity, availability, and price of key food product inputs can be directly impacted upon by water scarcity having a negative affect on animal and crop yields. The price of food commodities is particularly vulnerable and defenseless to the shocks of unexpected extreme weather incidents, while animals yields are highly at risk from raised water temperatures especially aquaculture and access to clean water sources (Krechowicz, Venugopal, Sauer, Somani, Pandey, 2010). Within the next ten to twenty years, the water crisis seems likely to trigger significant shortfalls in cereal production. As a result, an enormous global food crisis will occur (Quarterly, 2010). Water scarcity, the global critical issue cause increasing environmental stress, and it affects the ecosystem. In order to solve the water scarcity problem, huge dam construction causes interception of river flow, and it is endangering the dependent creatures. The study estimated 24% of mammals, 12% of birds, and 10% of freshwater fish types are endangered (â€Å"Water security†, 2010). Increasing consumption water not only decrease the amount of water for human development but has brought a profound influence on the aquatic ecosystems and their supported stocks (World Water Council, n. d. ). In addition, freshwater species also experience habitat degradation and changes of thermal regimes which relate to climate alteration and water impoundment (Arthurtonet al. , n. d. ). More than half of native freshwater in South Australia are already listed as rare, endangered or vulnerable and the problem is worsening by the drought which makes conservation difficult, once their habitats dry up (â€Å"Water security†, 2010). Covich, Postel and Carpenter explain that the life those ecosystems support and the health of aquatic ecosystems are in the risk stage because of the withdrawal of more fresh water for industry, agriculture, or cities in many areas (as cited in Postel, 2000). You read "Water, the Finite Resources" in category "Essay examples" Over and above, water scarcity brings a big effect on human health. The single most important issue determining public health which has been identified by the World Health Organization is clean water (â€Å"Problem: Fresh water†, n. d. ). The global water crisis causes death and disease in the world taking more than 14,000 people’s lives which include 11,000 of children under age five take each day (West, n. d. ). Poor water quality raises the risk of diarrhoeal diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, and other water-borne infections. Meantime, diseases such as trachoma, typhus, and plague are caused by water scarcity. People store water at home due to water shortage; this will increase the risk of household water contamination and providing mosquitoes with a breeding ground, which are carriers of malaria, dengue fever and other diseases (World Health Organization, n. d. ). Human health is the most important issue but now water crisis already put human health below the safety level. The ever-increasing world population is a prime cause of the water scarcity. As populations grow rapidly, industrial, agricultural and individual water demands increase (â€Å"Global water shortage†, n. . ). In the last century, global water consumption amplified six fold which is more than twice the speed of population increase and it is believed that water consumption will continue growing and outpace population growth in the future; however, the available freshwater is limited which is less than the one percent of the total water on the Earth (â€Å"Water scarcity and†, n. d. ). Postel predicted the wor ld is now facing the issue of insufficient water supply and foresees that problem of water supply or water availability will get worse for the next 30years. Consequently, Sandra argued it raises the issues of water supply in agriculture, production for human demand due to increase of income, and providing drinking water (as cited in Environmentalist on Water Conservation, 2010). Water shortage also happens because of decreasing groundwater level. In 2000, global water withdrawal was predicted to be 30% of the world’s total available fresh water supply. Before 2025, this fraction might reach 70% (â€Å"Water security and†, 2010). The water level underground in different parts of the earth are called water tables (Edwin, 2010). Water tables are dropping because of the over-pumping out of groundwater in many countries in a large portion (â€Å"Problem: Fresh†, n. d. ) which already exceeds natural replenishment (â€Å"Water security and†, 2010). The lack of the rain water falling causes ground water to flow into the sea. This will cause a slow decrease of the ground water level and this has to be controlled to try to make the water table increase. Water mining is happening at twice the speed of natural renewal, causing aquifer water tables to fall by 3 to 10 feet per year in most parts of the country. As a result, the deeper the water table, the more tough it is for those who need to use it (Edwin, 2010). Water scarcity happens due to its distribution but not the total volume of water worldwide (King, 2010). There are various reasons which cause water shortage. Based on research, global warming is one of the major roots of water scarcity (â€Å"Problem: Fresh†, n. d. ). The global temperature rises which leads to upstream glaciers melting into water. This might possibly be permanent and will cause various rivers to reduce in size and some will disappear completely. As there is less snow and more rain, the sea water level increase will encroach into the lower reaches of the streams. There will be more flooding and runoff during the rainy season, but water held as ice and snow in the mountains will also be less for use in the dry season (King, 2010). Yet, global warming raises the chance of evaporation losses from the surfaces of rivers, lakes, and reservoir (Glennon. 2005). Climate change ‘contributes’ to the water deficiency. It brings intensive and more frequent droughts (â€Å"Water security and†, 2010). The sum of water available to refill groundwater sources impacted upon by the rate of evaporation differs a great deal, depending on relative humidity and temperature. Konikow and Kendy showed fleeting heavy rainfall and a fast evapotranspiration rate being combining together with high demand of water channels will cause groundwater reduction. Oki et al had explained that the terrific temporal inconsistency in water resources worldwide leads to the unevenness of distribution of precipitation in space and time (Climate institute, n. . ). Severe floods inundate coast-lines to cause interruption of salt water into fresh water which is also brought by climate change. UN scientists calculate that climate change effect will probably account for about a fifth of the increase in water scarcity (â€Å"Water security and†, 2010). All told, water as a renewable source has faced crisis due to the several causes which are mentioned above. Government plays an important role in solving the w ater shortage problem. While the final custodian of the national water resources must be the government and must play the key role in deciding strategies and frameworks (â€Å"Water†, n. d. ). Some governments instil some rules and regulations to ensure the water supply lasts longer, for example, Arizona’s Groundwater Management Act, which enforces regulation on all users including cites, farms, and mines over 45years (Glennon, 2005). This innovative law results by starting an effective and comprehensive approach to groundwater management (Arizona Department of Water Resource, n. d. ). On the other hand, China’s 11th five year plan from year 2006 to 2010 is focused on the development of technological innovation and water works for ensuring water supply and the safety of drinking water; it is also improving flood control and mitigation of disaster, and enhancing water saving and conservation. In constructing water conservation programs, governments still have a critical task to play. (Glennon, 2005) An alternative solution for water shortage is implementing new multination water sharing treaties. Currently, there is a large quantity of treaties in effect concerning water, yet most of them do not distribute properly. These ineffective agreements will also lead to apprehension between nations. There are 261 major rivers’ watersheds presently shared by two or more nations (Gleick, n. d. ). The Rio Glande Compact which exits between the United States and Mexico has gone through debate, experiment and negotiation to reach agreement. Basically, a water sharing treaty distributes water based on land, population, and contribution to supply to ensure appropriate allocation. Reduced uncertainty or future population, industry and environmental needs are some of the benefits of the treaty (War, 2011). Furthermore, sharing a treaty can let both countries have the high cost-sharing; (Diar, 2008) yet can improve the economics of the country (War, 2011). To conclude this, a multinational treaty would be exceptionally beneficial in resolving water arguments as well as reducing animosity and tension between countries. As, 97. 5percent of water on the earth is seawater (Arthurtonet al. , n. d. ), desalination of seawater is one of the long term solutions for water scarcity (Medalla, 2009). Desalination means remove salt from seawater. Desalinisation is explained as filtering salty water through chemical membranes filters and removing the salt through electro dialysis and reverse osmosis leaving only fresh water as end product. In the Middle East and North Africa, about 130 nations have already worked by this procedure. However, the desalinization process has become much more practical for city areas and reverse-osmosis systems have attained significant enhancements recently. Arrandale shows globally implementing simple water recycling and filtration systems would be a relatively easy task that would reap outstanding benefits. Making these global advancements would be an economically viable and environmentally friendly sustainable green step in the right direction towards the reduction of global water scarcity (Schwikert, Hall, Jen, n. d. ). If compared with ten years ago, the cost of desalination has considerably lowered; this shows that making this type of solution is now more practicable. The desalination industry has also undergone other positive developments and technological advancement in capacity and filtration that have reduced general operating costs (Medalla, 2009). In conclusion, the problem of water scarcity is growing. As more demand is made on limited supplies, the effort and cost to develop or even sustain access to water will rise (â€Å"Water scarcity: The†, n. d. ). Indeed, solution for water scarcity is a necessity which has been mentioned, such as water sharing treaties, environmentally opposed desalination solutions, and government’s rules, regulations and plans. Apart from corporation, agencies, and government’s efforts, everyone can contribute too. Every small thing makes a difference for the world. Furthermore, people can just buy only fair-trade products, only organics, only sustainably certified seafood, wood and paper (Caldecott, 2008). The next generations deserve a better future! References Arizona Department of Water Resource (n. d. ). Securing Arizona’s water future. Retrieved from http://www. azwater. gov/AzDWR/WaterManagement/documents/Groundwater_Code. pdf Arthurton, R. , Barker, S. , Rast, W. , Huber, M. , Alder, J. , Chilton, J. , †¦ Wagne, G. (n. d. ). Water. Retrieved from http://www. unep. org/geo/geo4/report/04_water. pdf Caldecott, J. (2008). Water. The causes, costs and future of a global crisis. (2nd ed. ) London, Virgin Books. Climate institute. (n. d. ). Water. Retrieved from http://www. climate. org/topics/water. tml Dinar, S. (2008). Treaty principles and patterns: Negotiations over international rivers. Benefits and costs and/or under economic asymmetry. (6. 1. 2. 2. 4). Retrieved from http://books. google. com. my/books? id=zSvObjuN8wYCpg=PA229lpg=PA229dq=benefits+of+%22Water+Sharing+Treaty%22+cost+sharingsource=blots=_pdTyaOsbdsig=0S7DAmeJ-c9f0hzkEDlu3aLdOUohl=enei=ZgyoTrCSLKje4QTO hvDcDwsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=2ved=0CCAQ6AEwAQ#v=onepageq=benefits%20of%20%22Water%20Sharing%20Treaty%22%20cost%20sharingf=false Edwin, S. 2010). The various causes of water scarcity in the world. Retrieved from http://www. saching. com/Articles/The-Various-Causes-of-Water-Scarcity-in-the-World-254. html Environmentalist on Water Conservation. (2010). Retrieved from http://thegreatvixen. weebly. com/water-conservation. html FOA. (n. d. ) Water poverty, an issue of life livelihoods. Retrieved from http://www. fao. org/nr/water/issues/scarcity. html Frank A. Ward. (2011). Presentation from the 2011World Water Week in Stockholm [Power Point slides]. Retrieved from http://www. worldwaterweek. rg/documents/WWW_PDF/2011/Monday/K24/Hydroeconomic-Modelling-in-Basins/Hydroeconomic-Modeling-in-Basins-Practice-Challenges-and-Reward. pdf Geoffrey, L. (2009). Water scarcity now bigger threat than financial crisis. Retrieved from http://www. independent. co. uk/environment/climate-cha nge/water-scarcity-now-bigger-threat-than-financial-crisis-1645358. html Gleick, P. H. (n. d. ). Making every drop count. Retrieved from http://web. macam. ac. il/~arnon/Int-ME/water/MAKING%20EVERY%20DROP%20COUNT. htm Global Water Shortage Looms In New Century (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://ag. arizona. edu/AZWATER/awr/dec99/Feature2. tm King, B. (2010). Scarcity of water. Retrieved from http://www. greeniacs. com/GreeniacsArticles/Water/Scarcity-of-Water. html Krechowicz, D. ,Venugopal, S. , Sauer, A. , Somani, S. , Pandey, S. (2010). Weeding Risk: Financial Impacts of Climate Change and Water Scarcity on Asia’s Food and Beverage Sector. Retrieved from http://www. wri. org/publication/weeding-risk-asia Medalla, E. (2009). Hatch: Desalination is the solution for water scarcity in the north. Retrieved from http://www. bnamericas. com/news/waterandwaste/Hatch:_Desalination_is_the_solution_for_water_scarcity_in_the_north How to cite Water, the Finite Resources, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Miseducation of Children free essay sample
Miseducation of Children â€Å"All across the country, educational programs intended for school-aged children are being appropriated for the education of young children (Elkind, 1988, p. 3). The miseducation of children is teaching children skills that are inappropriate for them according to their development level and the skills they possess. It is pushing a child to do too much too soon and often times has nothing to do with the child’s benefit, but rather the parents goals set forth for their children. Miseducating a child can have both short and long-term negative effects on the child’s growth and development. The miseducation of young children is today’s norm. Throughout schools across the country, curriculum is being implemented in classrooms that have little to do with â€Å"the child†, but rather high expectations of educators and parents that would rather have their child writing, reading, and doing basic math at very young ages. Parents bombard their children with extra-curricular activities, such as swimming and gymnastics at too young of an age without knowing the negative effects it can have on their child. We will write a custom essay sample on Miseducation of Children or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page According to David Elkind, parents that do this miseducate their children and â€Å"put them at risk for short- term stress and long-term personality damage for no useful purpose†(Elkind, 1988, p. 4). Children learn in different ways, and at different speeds. Every child is different. Setting too high expectations for children who possess different skill levels can affect that child’s self-esteem. Children look up to adults, so if an adult says that they should be doing a certain task a certain way and they are incapable of doing the task, it can have a negative effect on how the child views him/herself. It can also have a long term effect on how the child learns as he/she gets older. This is why it is important for teachers and parents to use developmentally appropriate practices with the children in their care. Developmentally Appropriate Practice â€Å"Developmentally appropriate practice refers to applying child development knowledge in making thoughtful and appropriate decisions about early childhood program practices†(Gestwicki, 2010, p. 9). Developmentally appropriate practices allow teachers to look at the child as a whole. It allows us to really get to know our children and how they learn, what holds their attention, their likes and dislikes, and so on.
Monday, March 30, 2020
Growing Up by Russell Baker Essay Example
Growing Up by Russell Baker Essay Russell Bakers Growing Up is an educational book filled with various information that I have previously studied.The rest of this essay connects Bakers life to the information we have studied in class about the 1920s, The Depression, and World War 2.The above three are the three most important topics that shaped and made the modern present America. Russell Baker was born in 1925 and still lives today. His has a unique style of writing which charms his readers and which makes him so attractive to so many of his fans.He received hisfirst Pulitzer Prize in 1979 for his Observer column and Growing Up was his second.The general summary of this book would be that Baker talks about him and his family and their struggles faced during the Depression, World War 2 and other things. Many bad things happened because of the Depression for Baker.Bakers mother, Elizabeth, lost her boyfriend Oluf, along with the depression.Atfirst he was determined to find a job and marry Elizabeth; as the time went o n, Oluf couldnt find a job and told Elizabeth to forget about him.The Great Depression lasted from October 24, 1929 until the economic recovery of the 1940s.On October 29, Black Thursday, the stock market crashed heavily, and continued to fall sharply throughout the coming weeks.As a result, the United States and the world were thrown into a decade of poverty and unemployment.The depression affected all sectors of the economy.Farm owners and agricultural workers suffered from falling crop prices.Businesses failed from a lack of investment support and a decline in the ability of the masses to afford their products.Banks closed their doors as the nations citizens hoarded their money and defaulted on loan payments.Unemployment and hopeless poverty enveloped the nation. When Russell;s mother, Elizabeth, had become sixteen, she joined her 1913 high school debate, arguing the case
Saturday, March 7, 2020
buy custom Dante Alighieri essay
buy custom Dante Alighieri essay La Vita Nuova is a primitive book written in the year 1925 by Dante Alighieri. It expresses Gothic kind of courtly love. Dante met Beatrice when his father took him to a Portnari house for a May Day celebration. Dante was immediately impressed with her and remained so, despite the fact, that she married another man. Following the first meeting, Dante was strongly fascinated by Beatrice. She influenced him a lot, he ended writing La Vita Nuova, he observed God who is more powerful than he is. The immense love between the two is in a dream where, Dante hears Beatrice saying, I am your God. Virgil represented some things to Dante philosophically and theologically. Virgil symbolizes human rationality. In the middle of the world that is always changing, Virgil helps in providing reason why things are the way they are. Virgil also helps in highlighting the real problem that Dante encountered in his field of extraordinarily conflicting ideas about science, studies and eventually religion. Virgil symbolizes the first connection between Dantes conflicting ideas of classicism and Christianity. In the hindsight, of Virgils writing about the coming of a teenage boy refers to the reminiscent of the story of Christ, which Virgil could not have known at the time of his writing. Inferno opens in the evening of Good Friday in the year 1300. Dante being a poet asks the gobbler to remind him of his name, the sinner abruptly is not clear with his words, and he introduces himself as Ciacco. Due to strange language, Ciacco foresees political conflict between blacks and whites. Ciacco explains that the whites will first secure the fight and dismiss the blacks, but the blacks will eventually return in support of the hated pope, defeat the whites, and take the majority of them to exile including Dante. Buy custom Dante Alighieri essay
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Biography person Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Biography person - Research Paper Example decades of creative work, and the proof of her success partly lies in the more than 50 honorary doctorates that have been heaped on her by academia, attesting to the broad influence that she casts on many different areas of creative work, as poet, as dramatist, as activist for civil rights, as actress and historian, as a maker of films, as a producer, and as a writer of memoirs. She is known too for her groundbreaking work ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’, an international bestseller that was released in 1970. This book was controversial when it came out, because of its explicit and stark depiction of her experience with sexual abuse in her early life, to the point of being initially banned from many school systems around the time that it was released. Apart from this, she is likewise known for penning more than thirty other works that topped the bestseller lists, from the 36 different works that she was able to publish. In 1972 she would write and compose the music for the movie Georgia, Georgia, for which she would be nominated for a Pulitzer. Her directorial debut was in 1996., for the movie ‘Down in the Delta’. Apart from all this, she was also a professor at Wake Forest University for two decades and a half, holding the Reynolds professorial chair for American Studies there (Caged Bird Legacy). One perspective on the life and work of Maya Angelou is factual, and is from the biography-focused channel Bio. Her work of poetry, entitled ‘Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ‘Fore I Die’, was nominated for a Pulitzer in 1971, even as the non-fiction work and memoir ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ was published to international recognition and praise two years prior. In 1993 she recited a poem that she had written on the inaugural of then President Bill Clinton, entitled ‘On the Pulse of the Morning’. She would go on, moreover, to establish friendships with various icons of American cultural wife in her later years, from the widow of Martin
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Read my requirement and write information Assignment
Read my requirement and write information - Assignment Example The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has identified Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to be a common childhood disorder. NIMH states that children as young as seven years old are most vulnerable to ADHD. In addition, the condition affects 5.0% young adults in America. NIMH further explains that 10% of American teenagers (between 13 and 18) are prone to ADHD. The condition is also discriminatory on gender with NIMH claiming that boys are highly at risk as compared to girls (4:1). However, it is not clear why the number of children being affected by the condition is rising by the day. The main motivation for conducting the research is to identify the relationship between anxiety and depressive disorders with the deficit disorder with hyperactivity in children between 6 and 15 years old. The NIMH has identified three major symptoms for ADHD namely; The psychological make-up of children influences their emotions in different situations; that is, they get excited and bored relatively quick. Such character traits may get out-of-hand and influence their personality. As a result, they may portray personality disorders that require immediate mental health care. In a report titled Anxiety and Depressive Disorders in Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity, Peter Jensen, Robert Shervette, Stephen Xenakis, and John Ritchers explore the inequality inherent in the diagnosis of ADHD among children. They concluded that family and psychosocial stressors contribute to ADHD for concurrent psychiatric disorders. In addition, they stated that different subtypes of ADHD require different treatment options considering the different etiologic pathways. The variables used for the study were among age, gender, and military rank, whereby 47 children were matched with others in the psychiatric clinic and the pediatric attention deficit disorder clinic. The 47
Monday, January 27, 2020
Critical Regionalism Was First Introduced Cultural Studies Essay
Critical Regionalism Was First Introduced Cultural Studies Essay The idea of critical regionalism has been heard in architecture society. Vitruvius discussed regional variations in architecture in his ten books, and the Romantics propounded picturesque regionalism during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. However, regionalism seems to against the theory of modernism and postmodernism, both of which were thought to have failed to address the human condition in their extreme stances towards historicism. Thus from the question, how to become modern and to return to sources? by Alexander Tzonis and Liane Lefaivre hypothesize critical regionalism as the solution. The term was originally introduced by Tzonis and Lefaivre in their article The Grid and the Pathway, where critical regionalism was presented as the third and latest type of regionalism in Greece, succeeding the English picturesque of nationalist regionalism and the Neoclassical historicist regionalism. Here, modern architecture is thought to be remote and massive, destroying the hu manistic character in architectural term which would be stated by a new form of regionalism. Frampton follows the lead of Tzonis and Lefaivre in exploring the theory critical regionalism. In the article Towards a Critical Regionalism, Frampton defines critical regionalism as an architecture of resistance, seeking to mediate the impact of universal civilization with elements derived indirectly from the peculiarities of a particular place, Thus aiming to reflect and serve the limited constituencies in which it was grounded. It is a resistance in the sense that it is a reaction against universal standards, culture homogenization and placeless modernism, but at the same time critical in its outlook; self-evaluating such that is is confrontational with not only the world but also to itself. According to Tzonis and Lefaivre, this self-reflective function is executed through the method of defamiliarization, in contrast to the romantic regionalism of familiarization, which employed nostalgic picturesque elements from a foregone era. This process entails selecting regional elements and incorporating them in a way that may appear distant, as if it were the sense of place in a strange sense of displacement, seeking to disrupt the sentimental link between the building and the place, and thus in this sense a reaction agaist the romantic sentimentality of pictureresque follies. Postmodernism, as its name suggests, aspired to succeed modernism whose ideals and norms were seen as responsible for the numerous failures that characterized most reconstruction and urban renewal projects realized since World War II. Having pledged to bring architecture out of a state of stagnation and disrepute due to reductive, technocratic and bureaucratic dogmas of modernism as well as its indifference, if not hostility towards history and culture, postmodernism buildings, apart from their superficial features, were qualitatively not much different from their predecessors. With few exceptions, museum buildings, such as the National Gallery in London and pricate houses in the United states, such as those by Robert Stern, the re-introduction of historical knowledge and cultural issues to design was merely skin-deep. Regionalism was not the term the architects themselves were reffering to. It was a conceptual device that we chose to use as a tool of analysis. The concept of regionalism here indicated an approach to design giving priority to the identity of the particular rather than universal dogmas. The awareness of a regional architecture as an idiom having a distinct identity and being associated with an identifiable group, and having this association used for further manipulating the groups identity. Goes as far back as ancient Greece. It was the Greeks that in the context of the politics of control and competition between their polis and their colonies used architectural elements to represent the identity of a group occupying a piece of land, or the virtual presence of a group among other groups in a Pan-Hellenic institution such as Delphi or Olympia. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian, were not abstract decorative terms. They originated in the concrete historical context of fission and fusion of regions and identities and their use was frequently loaded with complex political meanings, carving supra-regional identities and relations. The Roman architect and author, Vitruvius, who extensively discussed the Doric or Ionic temples without referring to the term Classical, does refer by name regional architecture, pointing to the difference in building around the world which he explains through climatic conditions and draws a parallel to the variations in the physique of people and concludes that the arrangement of buildings should be guided by locality and climate. In the very end, however, he did not imply regional pluralism and respect for difference. The new global order consists of an effective interconnection of the whole planet by means of a reticular network of communication and exchange. It threatens individual variety and difference throught universalization of practices, but also accentuates the worst of a world of differences. It polarizes further a hierarchical dependance of regional differences rather than encouraging the diversity necessary for creativity. Enhancing a world to come about within which preserving, exploring and mining regional differences brings about a world more genuinely global. The picture of critical regionalism that emerges from these contributions is in great contrast to the simplistic ideas that the local is good by definition, that sustaining community and nature means both blind conservation and resistance to change and that understanding the context is a simple process that requires no special effort or analysis. The traditions are always contested, transformed, resisted and invented. One of the most significant aspects of the quality ofn the built environment whish has been systematically ignored and violated by superficial thinking, biased judgement and seductive illusions is the skin of buildings. The impact of bad choices of materials on the skin of a building is not immediate. It is here that deep knowledge of the materials and the climatic attributes of a particular area is needed that cannot be substituted by reductive technical descriptions and even more by photographic media reproductions. The thoughtless transfer of glass as well as concrete to the tropical region led to indifferent if not hostile environments. American architect Ralph T.Walker, like Mumford, he was highly critical of the older. He spoke out at length, and his comments deserve to be reproduced: I have been around South America recently and I have just came back from Europe, and I find everywhere that modern architecture means a slab on pillars. It means the same thing in the United States because you pick up the architectural magazines and practically every issue has as its leading number a slab on pillars Functionalism of materials has blazed our thinking around the world because you will find that the building in Rio for the Education Ministry looks exactly like a building that was designed for a giraffe in the London Zoo, and it looks exactly like the building that has been designed for the United Nations. In other words, you have a cover of unthinking uncritical acceptance of things. He went on to argue that what was needed was humanism because it is the basis of all art and what we are trying to do first of all is to develop surroundings for people to live in, that will give them the greatest amount of the happiness and warmth of life. The first point on which Mumford broke with older forms of regionalism was in his approach to tradition. Although he ded advocate the preservation of actual historical buildings, notably those built in the vernacular brick tradition of the South, which deserves to be regarded with a far more appreciative eye than people usually apply to it, he was opposed to their imitation in new buildings. Let us be clear about this, the forms that poeple used in other civilizations or in other periods of our own countrys history were intimately part of the while structure of their life. There is no method of mechanically reproducing these forms or bringing then back to life; it is a piece of rank materialism to attempt to duplicate some earlier form, because of its delight for the eye, without realizing how empty a form is without the life that one supported it. There is no such thing as a modern colonial house any more than there is such a thing as a modern Tudor house. The philosophic problem of the general and the particular has its counterpart in architecture; and during the last century that problem has shaped itself more and more into the question of what weight should be given to the universal imprint of the machine and the local imprint of the region and the communitu Mumford in the south in architecture. MEANS every regional culture necessarily has a universal side to it. It is steadily open to influences that come from other parts of the world, and from other cultures, separated from the local region in space or time or both together. It would be usefyul if we formed the habit of never using the world regional without mentally adding to it the idea of universal remembering the constant contact and interchange between local scene and the wide world that lies beyond it. To ideas or technical methods that originate elsewhere as with a human being, every culture must both be itself and transcend itself; it must make the most of its limitations and must pass beyond them; it must be open to fresh experience and yet it must maintain its integrity. In no other art is that process ore sharply focused that in architecture. TO CONSIDER THE ENVIRONMENT MEANS TO CONSIDER HISTORYMUMFORD What we call globalization does not consist of an effective interconnection of the whole planet by means of a reticular network of communication and exhange. In reality, our global worlds structure is rather an atlas of radial nuclei and unplugged areas that keeps large zones of silence. Globalization bears a massive and infinite process of concentration from the peripheries to the centres, almost one half of the worlds population lives today in urban environments. This situation creates multiple physical and mental displacements. Globalization has marked two opposing cultural processes. Their interaction constitutes a critical point in the rearticulations of symbolic power and a paradox that signals the epoch. On the other hand, it constitutes the de post moment of expansion of industrial capitalism, which is part of the extension of Europe and its culture since the Renaissance. This expansion has been narrated as a story of the expansion of the world. The acquisition of worldwide power was seen as a globalization: the local Western became universal through the conquest of planetary power, colonialism and the construction of a totalizing rationality from that power. The idea of expansion culminated in an inverse notion, that of contraction: the world becomes smaller day by day, and even a global village. Western culture was imposed as an operating metaculture of the contemporary world. This was done with the purpose of conversion and domination, but implicity meant generalized access. If imposition seeks to convert the other, access facilitated using this metaculture for the others own, different ends, transforming the metaculture from within. Western metaculture has become a paradoxical means for the affirmation of difference, and for the rearticulating subaltern camps interest in post-colonial times. Hence globalization times are simultaneously those of the difference. This is the other contradictory process to which I referred at the beginning. The existence of an operative metaculture has allowed the globalization of difference beyond the local environments. This cultural globalization implies an interaction between the extended Western metaculture and the cultural plurality of the world. If the first maintains its hemegonic character, the others have taken advantage of its capacity for international broadcasting to supersede local frameworks. Besides, any vast expansion, such as Buddhism in Asia or the Latin language in the Roman Empire, carries a high degree of tension that opens pores and cracks. This globalization-differentation process is an intricate conflictive articulation of forces more than dual dialectics. It implies contaminations, mixtures and contradictions in many directions, although it direct current processes of culture, it cannot be taken passively, as a necessary inclination that occurs without any pressyre exerted by the subaltern sectors. Among other problems, there is the metacultural tendency to generalize practices from many diverse environments from yoga to karate in consumer-driven, culturaly aseptic method as isolated elements of a cosmopolitan mosaic. Nevertheless, some of the most successful experiences in non-occidental regions have consisted, as in the case of Japan, in managing Westernization to their benefit, empowering it from their own different background. It is in this labyrinth of displacements and ambiguities where the current cultural power lies. It becomes more evident that at this point there ir no viable return to pre-colonial traditions, because that would consist precisely of regression to the myth of an unpolluted past with a small margin of action in the contemporary world. The issue is to build the contemporary from a plurality of experiences that are able to transform the metaculture, Even when imposed by a dominant culture over a dominated one, cultural appropriation is not a passive phenomenon. Receivers always transform, resignify and use according to their visions and interests. Appropriation, and especially the incorrect one, is usually a process of originality, understood as a new creation of meaning. Cultural debate ahs become a political arena for power struggle, both in the symbolic and the social aspects. It is seen both in the cultural adjustments that the subaltern and peripheral sectors are making, as well as in the heterogenization that immigrants are causing in the contemporary megalopolis. Every alrge city today is a dynamic crossroads of cultures. There are many and diverse people incorrectly and unabashedly reworking Western metaculture in their own way, de-eurocentralizing it in plural form. What we call postmodernity is, in good measure, the result of overlapping of all these contradictory processes, they also determine an extraordinary dynamic of identities, with complex adjustments: multiple identities, identities in the form of chinese boxes, neo-identities, mixture of identities, displacement among them, ethnic gamesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦all borders mutate and turn into the critical spaces of our age. The birder and its culture have become paradigms of contemporary cultural processes, but these and other paradigms are at risk of developing into a narrative of harmonization of diversity, leveling contradicitons and masking confrontation of interests. The essay aims to discuss about the loss of cultural identity in this modern society, which lead to the loss of vernacular architecture. Basically vernacular architecture is a category of architecture based on localized needs and construction materials, and reflecting local traditions. It tends to evolve over time to reflect the environmental, cultural, technological and historical context in which it exists. The building methods are tested through trial-and-error by the society as the people constructing the structure tends to be the person who will use it. However, nowadays, people have mistaken the meaning of cultural identity, they tend to re-create the vernacular architecture into a purpose space where the tradition has been reinvigorate to a resort. People have tried to modernize the vernacular architecture, but still, loss of culture identity is the problem or the modern vernacular. What is vernacular architecture in peoples view nowadays? Will people still respect the culture identity? Why is the topic important in the world or in the context of design? As nowadays, vernacular architecture is gradually disappeared in this modern society. People have started to copy the authenticity to attract the ever-increasing tourists. Figures in architecture hence become less to do with a response to materials and more to do with the associative at tributes of particular shapes and forms. Why is this happening? It was because a global homogenization of the culture of the tourists, an excess of material choice, rapid urbanization, emergence economies, global environmental crisis and politics. Architects have tried using the four ways to modernize the vernacular architecture for now which are reinvigorating, reinventing, extending and reinterpreting tradition, however it still leads to the loss of cultural identity. How will architecture recreate a tradition, a shared ground that provides a basis for the criteria of authenticity and quality? How am I going to approach the topic? The essay will take on a critical regionalism approach of how people view on the vernacular architecture nowadays. Making a point to the loss of culture and how vernacular architecture has slowly fade away, shows how people should react to this issue and also to explain when this vernacular architecture be applied again in this modernized society, create spaces of authenticity of a tradition.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Should We ‘Tone Down’ Anzac Day?
Should we ‘Tone Down’ ANZAC Day to be considerate of ethnic minorities in Australia? Of course not. But a substantial amount of Anglo-Australians believe that we should. This makes absolutely no sense at all. Why would anyone be offended by ANZAC day, we are remembering the brave men and women who have fought and died for this country, as well as the ones that continue to fight for our country overseas. I don’t see how anyone may be offended by that, except for maybe the Turkish or the Germans but even they should enjoy ANZAC day because it is a celebration of who the ANZAC soldiers were, not who they fought.It’s not like the ANZAC’s were Nazi’s, they didn’t commit genocide or crimes against humanity, they protected a country full of innocent people, they are heroes and heroes deserve to be remembered at least once a year. They believe that we should consider how the ‘minorities’ would feel. The key word there is minorities . Does it seem fair that an entire nation or at least the majority of a nation must give up a tradition of almost a century for the consideration of a small percentage of the population? This is Australia, Australians built this country whether they were white Australians or not doesn’t matter.Celebrating the ANZAC spirit is not only respect for our fallen soldiers, but respect for our country and everyone who enjoys the prosperity of modern day Australia should honour that. ANZAC day is celebrated not only in Australia, but at many locations all over the world. Of course it is not celebrated in these countries in the same capacity as it is in Australia and New Zealand but is remembered none the less. Some of these countries include Turkey, Germany, France and China. These countries had no soldiers in the Australian and New Zealand Army Core; they are remembering the values the ANZACS represented.Every year for I don’t know how long people who care have set up two week s before ANZAC day and begun to sell ANZAC day badges, these people volunteer their time and effort because they respect what this special day means. A few weeks ago just before ANZAC day ‘Metlink’ – the company that runs metropolitan trains and buses in Melbourne and surrounding areas – told these people they could only sell the ANZAC day badges at the train and bus stations on one day rather than for the entire two weeks that had been the tradition for many years.Obviously many people were extremely offended, including the many volunteers, commuters and the general population. Luckily, after public outcry the metropolitan train company withdrew the restrictions on the sale of ANZAC day badges. But the fact that it was even suggested is a gross example of how even some white Australians have lost sight of what ANZAC day and the ANZAC spirit represents. Almost every second Australian had a grandparent who fought in the First World War. And most people have some sort of relation to an ANZAC soldier.Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd once said â€Å"The Gallipoli campaign is part of our national consciousness, it's part of our national psyche, it's part of our national identity. †I think this statement just about sums it up. The ANZAC spirit is a part of every one in this country, whether they were born here or not, because it is a part of the country. The last Australian ANZAC and last person in the world to have fought on the beaches at Gallipoli, Alec Campbell, died on the eve of March 16, 2002.With him died the last living memory of the courage, strength and valor that was displayed on the battlefield all those years ago. Alec Campbell died in peace knowing that the ANZAC spirit and the memory of his fallen comrades would never be forgotten. But was he comforted by a false hope? Has the essence of the ANZAC spirit been lost somewhere in the translation of time? The fact that people are suggesting that we ‘tone down†™ ANZAC day or discontinue the celebration completely, leads to the conclusion that maybe it has. So what is the ANZAC spirit?Above all the ANZAC spirit means loyalty and respect to your comrades, families and friends. The ANZAC spirit means courage, strength and resourcefulness. Are these not values that every race and religion should celebrate? Perhaps the problem lies not within the meaning of ANZAC day and how that effects the ethnic population, but in the education that is given regarding ANZAC day. Perhaps if we tried harder to involve new Australians in the ANZAC day celebrations, they may begin to better understand what ANZAC day really represents for our country and for them.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Communication and Young People Essay
1. Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationship with * Children * Young People * Adults Communication is the basis of any relationship, without it we could not obtain or relay information to overcome any conflicts or get anything done. To have effective communication we must treat everyone as individuals and adapt accordingly. Not just verbal communication but tone of voice, body language and eye contact are all important. When communicating with children and young people it important to come to their level as this will make them feel more comfortable and that you are not dictating down to them. It is important to listen to what the child or young person has to say, and if a question was asked respond correctly, as this allows them to feel accepted and valued. This encourages them to trust you and then they will more likely to confide in you. It is also important for kids that we model effective communication skills and we check are behaviour even at stressful times, this encourages them to behave the same way and helps them understand what is expected of them. Positive relationships with adults are important to create good learning environment, and therefore obtain the children full potential. In order to create this the staff member must communicate with each other about lessons, activities and pupil’s progress; this will ensure each pupil receives the best possible care. Communicating with parents is essential as this enables you to obtain information that may affect the child .It is also essential to keep parents up to date with upcoming events with the school, great way to do this is weekly newsletter and more recently sending text messages as reminders. Also parents that have a positive experience in the school are more likely to give support. 2. Explain the principles of relationship building with * Children * Young people * Adults When building relationships with others it is important that they feel comfortable in our company, as they are more likely to communicate effectively. We normal build relationships without even thinking about it, a great way to undertake effective relationship building is to take time to listen to other people, show that you are interested in what they are saying and respond appropriately. Remember issues which are personal to them and always be considerate and show respect ensuring that you acknowledge their views. Make sure that you be clear on key points when giving other information, but always maintain a sense of humour as laughter can be a great icebreaker and a good way to relieve stress. When building relationships with child and young people it is important we are good role models as positive interactions encourages the child to demonstrate positive behaviour also. These positive interactions also allow the child to feel settled and therefore will find it easier to learn. In order to create these positive relationships each child need to feel special this involves Security, Praise, Encouragement, Communication, Interaction Acceptance and Love. We must encourage children and young people to recognise and express their feelings in a constructive way. Children often have conflicting situations such as wanting the same toy or choosing team members, we must try and overcome these by being assertive as this helps children and young people understand how they would be able to resolve their differences amicably. Building relationships with adults is important we must make them feel welcome and be approachable; we must be respectful of their cultural and religious differences and beliefs and use words and expression they understand and be considerate of any personal issues and always make sure that you take time to listen and respond appropriately. 3. Explain how * Social background * Professional background * Cultural background Affect relationship and the way people communicate. When we are faced with a different situation we adapt our communication accordingly, most people do this automatically, and the more we deal with different situations the better we become at alternating our behaviour to help communicate positively and effectively. When communicating with others we have many factors and difficulties to overcome. We have to adapt our skills to overcome these difficulties; as if they were not conquered they may affect relationship building. Each relationship is individual, which is the reason why they take so long to form as they have to be worked upon to gain mutual respect and trust. When outside factors within society affect communication, we need to respect the values and principles of each person, we must ensure we do not stereotype the individual regardless of their social professional and cultural background. Language is not the only form of communication, it the way we respond to others through electronic mail or phone messages, how attentive we are and also how we dress and present ourselves. When in a more formal setting for example attending a meeting we should use more formal language and behaviour. When communicating with other staff about pupils it must be given in a professional matter and in an appropriate place away from others. Difficulties may arise when communicating with parent that have hearing impairment or physical disability that could affect their hearing ability, you should ensure that you face them and talk slowly and clearly so they can lip read or have a staff member that can sign language. Another difficultly that can arise is if the parent speaks little or no English, when communicating you must talk slowly clearly and ensure that you don’t use local dialects or expression that they may not understand, if that does not work having a bilingual staff member to translate so that they can feel included. If the area is multi-cultural we must consider their beliefs and norms which includes of eye contact, body language and gestures as these could lead to misinterpretation concerning cultural difference. 4. Explain the skills needed to communicate with * Children * Young people When communicating with anyone it is important that they are being treated as an individual and that their contribution is valued otherwise they are less likely to initiate a conversation. Some children and young people are lacking confidence when speaking to adults therefore finding sufficient time to allow them to talk. We must use eye contact and actively listen, making sure they are getting attention. With young children it’s a good idea to come down to their level, use body language such as smiling and nodding and reacting positively to what they are saying. We should encourage the children to keep talking by responding or asking questions, this will also show them how to have further two way conversations and may encourage them to ask more questions as this is how they learn. When communicating with children and young people we must ensure that we use appropriate languages; words and sentences they will understand. We must make sure that we are giving a clear message and check that they understand. If your asked a question you must answer to the best of your ability and to suit the age of the child or young person .Alternatively if the answer is unknown you could suggest alternative method of finding out for example internet or book, and you could help them to find it out. 5. Explain how to adapt communication with children and young people for * Age of the child or young person * The context of the communication * Communication differences When communication within the school you will deal with children and young people of all ages, cultures and abilities, they need to feel valued and your interaction should this. In order to accomplish this we must adapt our communication and behaviour, through positive communication and behaviour with classroom assistants and other staff member it shows them they are a part of the school community. We are required to adapt our vocabulary depending on the age of the child or young person. The level of attention will vary with their age. With younger children, especially when starting school more reassurance is need, however as they mature they may need to talk through problems and identify feelings. When asked a question we must consider how simplified it must be for them to understand, the context of the answer will vary depending on this. The older they are the more technical answer is normally required. In different situation the way in which we communicate will vary, when working on learning activity it is important to get children to focus, this will enable them to learn new things efficiently, any distractions need dealt with before they become an interruption. When in the playground or more social environment it can be used to develop positive friendly relationship while still maintaining professional carer to child relationship. Children and young people may have some difficulties when communicating with others, we must ensure care and sensitively is used when dealing with these situations and the child or young person feels unpressured and they will take their time. If the child or young person has difficulties communicating we must find a way of dealing with it for example if they are hearing impaired, face them directly and talk slowly and clearly. If English is not their first language talk slowly and avoid using local dialect.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Alternative Methods Of Animal Testing - 1442 Words
Alternative Methods to Animal Testing Animal testing is the use of animals in research to determine the safety of a product, usually cosmetics or pharmaceutical drugs. This method of testing is an outdated science while alternative, non-animal methods are rapidly becoming more effective. Laws in the United States do not require cosmetics or medicinal drugs to be tested on animals, only that the products must be proven safe (FDA). Some argue that animal testing is necessary to improve human life. However, animals are harmed during the tests, despite the numerous laws put in place to avoid cruelty. Although many believe animal testing is necessary to ensure medicines and cosmetic products are safe, alternative, non-animal methods of testing, such as in vitro tests and EpiDerm, are available, and should be implemented. Animal testing is not a recent concept. In ancient times, philosophers and doctors would experiment on live animals to learn about anatomy and body systems. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, performed live animal dissections to form theories about how the body worked (â€Å"Should Animals Be Used†). A surgeon named Ibn Zuhr tested surgeries on animals before applying them to human patients (Scutti). More recently, in the early 1900s, there were no laws to ensure that products had to be safe for human use. Laws were passed in 1906 to prevent the misbranding of drugs, food, and drinks. A bill was proposed in 1933 to revise the 1906 law, but it was not passedShow MoreRelatedAlternative to Animal Testing Essay911 Words  | 4 PagesAlternatives to Animal Testing Animal testing has become a controversial issue among many people in the world today. Some of these people involved in this controversial debate believe that animal testing is unethical and should be replaced by other methods. The other group of people in this debate believe that animal testing is necessary in order to research new products that cannot be tested on humans. Traditional animal testing forces animals to undergo numerous experiments for different formsRead MoreShould Animal Testing Be Banned?1665 Words  | 7 PagesTesting Cosmetics on Animals Companies around the world use animals to test cosmetics. Animals, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and mice, are used to test the effects of chemicals on the eyes and skin. While animal testing is not mandatory, many companies use it. About Cosmetics Animal Testing by the Humane Society International talks about the different options companies have that do not require the cruel use and eventual death of animals. The article also talks about the overallRead MoreAlternatives To Animal Testing1696 Words  | 7 Pagesbe supporting animal testing and not even know it. According to PETA, it is estimated that each year 26 million animals in the United States are used for animal testing(2017). As many may believe that animal testing is the only way to find out new things or test products, it is not, there are new alternatives that scientists have found like in vitro methods, and studies with human volunteers that have been proven to work without harming these animals. ALTERNATIVES TO ANIMAL TESTING Every year, millionsRead MoreThe Importance Of Animal Testing1240 Words  | 5 Pages Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics hasRead MoreSave Animals. Say No to Animal Testing!1390 Words  | 6 PagesArgumentative essay: Save animals. Say no to animal testing! Nowadays, it is a well-known fact that many companies test their products like cosmetics and medicines with animals before production to check their products ’safety and quality. A huge amount of animals are used in research purpose every year. Is it right for human beings to sacrifice millions of animals for testing purpose? Should animal testing be banned? Animal testing is a controversial issue and there is a heated debated about prosRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1616 Words  | 7 PagesAnimal testing in the scientific and cosmetic fields has been a controversial topic throughout the world for many years. This topic keeps coming back up only to be pushed aside or covered back up by officials. Many people stay outraged and concerned when it comes to animal testing and the fact that it has gone on for so long. The fact of the matter is, that for years now scientist have been studying and developing numerous different methods that can be used for these type of testing’s and completelyRead MoreAnimal Testing And Its Effects On Human Health1146 Words  | 5 PagesMillions of animals suffer and die unnecessarily each year as they become subjects for medical testing and other horrendous experiments. Although some people believe such activities are necessary to progress in medical research, in reality it does very little to improve human health and development. For decades, drug and chemical safety assessments have been based on laboratory experimentations involving rabbits, dogs, rodents, and other animals. Consequently, nine out of ten drugs proven safeRead MoreShould Animals Be Used For Testing Purposes?966 Words  | 4 PagesShould Animals Be Used for Testing Purposes? Testing on animals has always been a controversy often debated. Millions of animals are tested on each year to aid in the research and development of commercial and scientific products. Animals get tested on to ensure the safety of human use or consumption in anything from beauty products to medicine. Testing has enabled life-saving advancements in medicine; however it is no longer necessary to harm animals in the process of saving humans. Animal testingRead MoreThe Truth About Animal Testing1417 Words  | 6 Pagesabout Animal Testing In 2012, a 24-year-old art student named Jacqueline Traide was subjected to animal testing methods in a Lush store window. Passerby – as well as the rest of the world, after this story was spread – were baffled and sickened by how this young woman was treated, enduring being pulled around by a rope, physical restraint, having cosmetics poured into her eyes, being shaven and more (Harris). She participated in this appalling display to portray the reality of animal testing torturesRead MoreShould Animals Be Banned For Medical And Cosmetic Research?940 Words  | 4 PagesIn the United States about 20 million animals are used for medical and cosmetic research. These animals include mice, bunnies, cats, dogs, guinea pigs and many other species of animals. Many of these animals people have for household pets, people consider these animals to be friendly and harmless and they are loved by humans. However, these animals do not share the same rights as humans mostly because p eople believe animals are inferior to them. Animals can not speak for themselves and tell researchers
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