Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills - 942 Words
Sociological imagination according to C. Wright Mills (1959) â€Å"enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals†(p.5) Mills in this book of The Sociological Imagination explains how society shapes the people. Mills wants people to be able to use sociological imagination to see things in a sociology point of view, so they can know the difference between personal troubles versus personal issues. Personal troubles and public issues help understand the historical and social structures. Personal troubles are within the person’s private life in which the person may feel threatened to share with others (p.8). Personal issues affect everyone because its consider being a â€Å"public matter†it affects not only the person but society. C. Mills Wright considers personal troubles a private matter because of how the individual cherishes their values and they feel that they can be threatened. Two personal troubles that I have are stress and family problems. When it comes to stress its more about freaking out about every little thing. For example, school plays a big factor in my personal troubles, that I call stress for the reason that I personally feel like I don’t study enough or I over think it. Days prior to test I stress out since I know what to expect, which is to freak out and over think what I’ve studied. Some may feel that stress is easy to get over, but at times it has moreShow MoreRelatedThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills857 Words  | 4 PagesThe sociological imagination is simply the act of having the capacity to think ourselves away from the commonplace schedules of our day by day lives keeping in mind the end goal to take a gander at them with a new perspective. C. Wright Mi lls, who made the idea and composed a book about it, characterized the sociological creative ability as the clear attention to the connection amongst encounter and the more extensive society. The sociological imagination is the capacity to see things sociallyRead MoreSociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills969 Words  | 4 Pages C. Wright Mills defined sociological imagination as the awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society. Understanding and being able to exercise the sociological imagination helps us understand the relationship between the individual and society. Mills focuses on the distinction between personal troubles and public issues. Having sociological imagination is critical for individual people and societies at large to understand. It is important that people areRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills907 Words  | 4 Pagesindividual s life a person will experience what C. Wright Mills refers to as the trap. The trap alludes to a person that can only see and understand their own small scope of life. Their frame of reference is limited to their day to day life and personal experiences that are directly related to them, they cannot see the bigger picture. They do not yet know that the sociological imagination can set them free from this trap and as C. Wright Mills said, In many ways it is a terrible lesson; in manyRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills1315 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. This is its task and its promise.†C. Wright Mills writes about the sociological imagination in an attempt to have society become aware of the relationship between one’s personal experience in comparison to the wider society. By employing the sociological imagination into the real world, individuals are forced to perceive, from a neutral position, so cial structures that, inRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills986 Words  | 4 PagesMills Chapter Summary â€Å"Yet Men do not usually define the troubles they endure in terms of historical change and institution contradiction.†Stated from chapter one of â€Å"The Classic Readings in Sociology†which was based on â€Å"The Sociology Imagination†by C. Wright Mills. As our Sociology 131 class study the works of C. Wright Mills, we learn and examine his views. We learn how he view other things such as marriage, war, and the limitations of men. His view of war is that both sides playRead MoreSociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills Essay1611 Words  | 7 PagesI SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION CONCEPTUALIZATION As conceived by C. Wright Mills, sociological imagination is the mental ability to establish intelligible relations among social structure and personal biography that is observing and seeing the impact of society over our private lives. Sociological imagination helps an individual to understand on a much larger scale the meaning and effect of society on of one’s daily life experience. People blame themselves for their own personal problems and they themselvesRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills799 Words  | 4 Pages The sociological imagination, a concept used by C. Wright Mills, is essentially the ability to perceive a situation or act in a much larger social context as well as examining the situation or act from many perspectives. In particular, it plays a paramount role in Donna Gaines Teenage Wasteland. It is a tragic story of 4 teens who together, committed suicide. The teens were deemed as â€Å"dropouts, druggies†[Teenage Wasteland 8.2 ] by newspapers and were still treated with disdain even after theirRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills1822 Words  | 8 PagesC. Wright Mills defines the sociological imagination as, â€Å"what they need, and what they feel they need, is a quality of mind that will help them to use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening within themselves†. Mills also says that the sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. When I read Chapter One: The Promise from C. WrightRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills1692 Words  | 7 Pagesentire life, can be determined by examining his or her intellect, high school performance, and talents. However, C. Wright Mills proposes a new approach to this idea in his work, â€Å"The Promise.†Mills presents an idea known as the sociological imagination, which examines society on a larger scale to better grasp an individual’s life circumstances (Mills 2). The sociological imagination examines the role of social forces on the lives of individuals (Butler-Sweet, September 5, 2017). For example,Read MoreSociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills1762 Words  | 8 Pages 10/11/2017 ID 100602667 Soc. 1 FY40 Sociological Imagination The Sociological Imagination, by C. Wright Mills, was a statement that questioned the developing field of sociology, challenging sociologists and the public to take seriously the rise of elites and the decline of American democracy, American community, and American equality. Mills argues that the sociological imagination is a quality of mind necessary to the understanding of the human condition
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Comparing Religious Archetypes in Moby Dick, Billy Budd,...
Religious Archetypes in Moby Dick, Billy Budd, and Bartleby the Scrivener Herman Melvilles use of Biblical overtones gives extra dimensions to his works. Themes in his stories parallel those in the Bible to teach about good and evil. Melville emphasizes his characters qualities by drawing allusions, and in doing so makes them appear larger than life. In the same way that the Bible teaches lessons about life, Herman Melvilles stories teach lessons about the light and dark sides of human nature. He places his readers in situations that force them to identify with right or wrong choices. In Moby Dick, Billy Budd, and Bartleby the Scrivener, Melville encourages his readers to learn from his explanations of human nature†¦show more content†¦He constantly invests his time and jeopardizes his crews lives in his effort to confront his faulty God. Because of his need for religious comfort, Ahab turns the whaling voyage into a personal quest, using his crew as a tool for revenge. Melville parallels his work to The Bible to raise the character of Ahab to a higher level. The Bible is known to most readers around the world. Its lessons and values teach people how to lead moral and virtuous lives. Ahabs nature and obsession demonstrate his evil, but comparing him to the Biblical King who sinned against God and poorly ruled Gods people makes Captain Ahabs evil represent an extreme of human nature. In declaring Moby Dick not only ubiquitous, but immortal (for immorality is but ubiquity in time) (Moby 181), Melville shows how Moby Dick appears to be God-like. As the real God watches over all his people no matter where they are, Moby Dick is found everywhere at the same time. The words of Melvilles Elijah in Moby Dick parallel the prophecies of the Biblical prophet Elijah. After King Ahab led the Israelites to worship Baal, Elijah, who was the predominant prophet of the time, acted in open opposition (Douglas 24). He was forced to work alone to prove to the people that their actions were wrong. With all the Israelites assembled at Mount Carmel, Elijah proves that the profits of Baal are false profits and that Baal is a false god. This leads the Israelites back to the worship of God.
Monday, December 9, 2019
International Marketing Wal-Mart in Complex Patterns
Question: Discuss about the International marketing for Wal-Mart in Complex patterns. Answer: Introduction There are complex patterns of change that affect the global marketplace. International marketing refers to marketing activities coordinated and integrated across different country markets. According to Khanna and Palepu, (2013, p. 400), marketing involves placing the consumer's needs at the center of organizational operations to provide a firm base for success in the fast moving world of international marketing. As per Doodle and Robin, (2009, p. 25) global marketing strategy aims at leveraging the assets, products, and experience of a company globally in respect to different cultures in different countries. Wal-Mart, the United States based company, was established in 1962 by Sam Walton and his brother. Since its inception, Wal-Mart has created more that 1,000 discount stores in the US as well as introducing customer self-service based innovative concepts. The company deals with the supply of quality items some of which include automotive products, home furnishings, electronics, hardware, jewelry, and housewares among other thousands of items. The Wal-Mart case study (2014, p. 540) reveals that the management of Wal-Mart decided to extent its operations internationally specifically in Mexico. Currently, Wal-Mart operates its retail stores in at least thirteen global markets outside the US borders. The purpose of this report is to analyze and assess the critical issues in international marketing strategy, international marketing decisions, and activities that faced Wal-Mart after the companys decision to go internationally. The Reasons for Wal-Marts Decision to go Global Wal-Mart decided to expand its operations globally to Mexico in the 1990s. The management used foreign market entry strategies namely acquisitions, joint ventures, and wholly owned subsidiaries. Luo and Wang, (2012, p. 250) states that Wal-Mart used joint venture strategy to enter the Mexican market through a Mexican company Cifra. The main reason that made the management of Wal-Mart company fall on the decision of expanding its retail stores globally to the Mexican market as discussed below. Stiff Competition in the US Markets Over the years, Wal-Mart had been experiencing stiff competition from K-Mart and Target companies in the market environment. David Glass, who got appointed the CEO of Wal-Mart in 1988 had tried to start a hypermarket for the business in the USA in an attempt to win more customers and firmly position the company in the US market. However, this did not work. Further, the CEO bought out Cellum's stake in the joint venture to boost the profitability, which never achieved the objective of creating a competitive advantage over the rival firms K-Mart and Target. On the other hand, Graff, (2006, p. 55) reported that K-Mart and Target adopted the use of aggressive expansion and therefore posing competition to the company. As a result of the high competition from K-Mart, Wal-Mart's market share in the US kept deteriorating and this necessitated the management's decision to expand its operations to Mexico. The management of Wal-Mart believed that entering Mexico through a joint venture with Cifra would enable the firm establish a customer base within Mexico and therefore, creating a competitive advantage over Target and K-mart. Graff, (2006, p. 64) argues that the company intended to match its operations and prove to the upcoming rivals that it could still compete outside the United States. Wal-Mart transferred its information systems, logistics, and management expertise across all its retail stores both in the US and Mexico markets in an attempt to create a competitive advantage over the key rivals. To Diversify its Operations to the World Markets In the supply of high-quality automotive, hardware, jewellery, beauty products and many other commodities in the hypermarkets located in the US, Wal-Mart carried out a market research that revealed the US market was not enough to consume their products. In Grant, et al., (2014, p. 5) research, the management realized that confining the companies operations to the US markets meant missing the many potential opportunities for creating broader markets elsewhere beyond the United States borders since the US markets representation only a small percentage of the overall customer base. Within the US market environment, Wal-Mart could not exploit its maximum potential in the provision of good and services since as per its capacity, the productivity level exceeded the consumers and this surplus assets needed a market for its consumption. Further, Wal-Mart wanted to diversify the business culture, language, and legal environment. According to Doodle and Robin, (2009, p. 30), the management of Wal-Mart saw this as an excellent investment zone where they could establish its business operations. Wal-Mart needed to diversify its operations and fame in global markets where it could make more profits and remain stable regarding capital base. With the strong capital base, Wal-Mart's company managers were sure that the firm would be able to adapt to the foreign business culture, language, and governmental regulations about the retail industry. Globalization and Liberalization With the establishment of liberalization and globalization in the retail sector, Wal-Mart became able to launch new markets and to create chances for discount stores across the world. Berthon, et al., (2012, p. 265) argues that the company pursued aggressive globalization and found out that with the advancement of technologies, there were unexploited market opportunities in the world that needed its attention. Further, the management of the company learned that to survive, Wal-Mart needed to expand its operations towards the international arena. With increased liberalization, the company needed to show high sales and profits that could satisfy the high demands of the capital markets such as that existing in Mexico by then. The emerging technologies under the liberalization sector which led to increased cultural homogenization and removal of trade barriers made Wal-Mart decide to go globally. The emerging retail markets offered low levels of disposable income, and this also necessitated Wal-Mart's decision to expand its operation to Mexico. Further, Christopherson, (2007, p. 455) argued that other world retail companies had made a step forward and capitalized on growth opportunities mainly brought to the economy by the rapid expansion of technology. Wal-Mart wide coverage in the US domestic markets meant that limiting its operations in the local market made the company miss a huge percentage of the world's market. Wal-Mart Decision to entering German Market Usually, the similar cultural affinity, language and legal environment between the United States and the United Kingdom made most American firms first to target the UK. Contrarily, Wal-Mart decided to enter the Germany market industry first, a decision that surprised the analysts. According to Falconbridge and Muzio, (2014, p. 38), the market analysts got surprised of Wal-Marts decision since by then the Germain retailing industry experienced continued slow growth rates making retailers get indulged in pricing wars for their products. Falconbridge and Muzio, (2014, p. 38), the Germany marketing environment was unfriendly, and this kept on eroding the profitability margins of every company that invested its business activities within the country, especially global markets. Further, with the inflexible business environment within Germany, the labor costs increased leading to the creation of unaffordable real estate prices. However, despite the inflexibility of the business climate, high energy costs, and persistent slow growth rate in the Germany market, the president of Wal-Mart (Ron Tiarks) felt that it was wise to enter the Germany market. Based on the following arguments, it was a wise decision for Wal-Mart to enter the Germain market. The following discussion represents the opinions that justify Wal-Mart's decision to operate in Germany as correct. Expansion of Customer Base Given that Germany got rated as the third largest economy in the world, it was wise for the administration of Wal-Mart to decide to extend the company's operations to Germany. According to Berg, (2014, p. 6), large economies frequently command a strong customer base and use of high technologies that makes enterprises thrive in such environments and therefore, should not get taken for granted. The fact that German offered the company a perfect market where Wal-Mart could diversify its retailing services in all European countries necessitated Wal-Mart to make steps first to establish themselves firmly in the strongest economy in Europe. Success History of Wal-Mart Traditionally, Wal-Mart had been able to set high standards in the retailing industry, and this means that its venture into the German market was not an exception to ensure continued success in the market. In the research conducted by Ihlen and Roper, (2014, p. 45) Wal-Mart had been successful especially in the US an aspect that made the company's management gain confidence invest in German. Wrigley, (2002, p. 81) argues that the firm looked forward to being a pan-European player given the presence of large customer base in the continent. Therefore, it was not wrong for Wal-Mart to decide to extend its operations to German since, from the experience, it had succeeded in Mexico and across all the states of America. Price Sensitive Market Since the Wal-Mart Sores everyday low price (EDLP) philosophy confirmed to Germany's price sensitive market environment, it was wise for the company to the extent its operations to the country. The EDLP philosophy discouraged the companys customers from looking for promotions and special offers from other suppliers. The report published by Turnbull and Valla, (2013, p. 22) states since the governmental regulations emphasized on the application of a sensitive price policies, this suited Wal-Mart given its intense use of EDLP philosophy. Application of sensitive price theories could assist Wal-Mart to thrive in its business operations in the compound market environment in Germain. Customer Focused Service With its customer-focused services, Wal-Mart was able to gain a strong customer base in Germany. Further, most Germany stores offered seasonal sales discounts and special offers to customers due to their greed to make higher revenues. According to Douglas and Craig, (2011, p. 85), with the strong capital base of Wal-Mart, the company could establish price reductions and offer products to customers at an affordable price, hence being correct to venture its retail activities in German. Further, being an experienced company, it was possible and easy for Wal-Mart to adjust its policies so that they could conform to the nature of German laws. Also, it was an easy task for the enterprise sell its high-quality products at the right prices to avoid hurting the less established businesses. Opportunity of Avoiding the Stiff Competition in the US The fact the United States firms preferred exploiting their business opportunities in United Kingdom due to the common culture, language, and legal requirements between the UK and the US, shows that there was stiff competition for customers in the United Kingdom. It was correct for the management of Wal-Mart to decide to go to operate in Germany since this would act as an opportunity for a competitive advantage over the other domestic companies venturing in the UK. Although the culture, language and legal environment in Germany never favored Wal-Mart's policies, Sethi, (2014, p. 424) saw it possible for the company to adjust its policies so that they could fit with the German business culture. Further, the German customer base entirely convinced Wal-Mart that the market was a perfect chance to obtain a competitive advantage over other rivals namely K-Mart, Woolworth, and Target corporations. Causes of Wal-Marts Failure in the German Market Wal-Mart expanded its operations to Germany through the acquisition of 21 hypermarkets of Werkauf which provided both general merchandise and food to the customers. Based on the research conducted by Wal-Mart, Wertkauf stores was considered able to offer a right path to enter the German market, but this did not work since Wartkauf stores covered only southwestern Germany markets. Fernie, et al., (2006, p. 248) among other reasons which will get discussed below, this continued the approach to entering the Germany market made it fail miserably for five years in the Germany business environment. Stiff Competition from Germany Retailers The intense competition from Germany retailers made it impossible for Wal-Mart to formulate payment approaches. Under circumstances whereby Wal-Mart reduced the price over its products and services, all Germany retailers lowered their prices so as to maintain their clients, and this made the company get challenged in establishing a strong position in business environment. Salvioni and Gennari, (2014, p. 470) identified that Wal-Mart kept making more steps to slash its commodities prices in 2000. Unfortunately its strong competitor Real reacted by lowering prices for approximately 3000 items. The Germany competitor Real claimed that the prices of Wal-Mart were lower than theirs, and this made the company's operations across the Germany market to keep deteriorating at a constant frequency. Lack of Strong Vendor Relations Mainly, the leading domestic cause of the Companys success was its efficient and excellent supply chain relations. At the US markets, Wal-Mart and its key suppliers adopted the use of a centralized distribution channel opposed to Germany vendors who were never comfortable with a centralized distribution system. According to Jahanson and Mattsson, (2015, p. 132), Wal-Marts relationship with the Germany customers was not mature and therefore, unable to decide on the product assortments. Therefore, Wal-mart was forced by circumstances to sell less demanded commodities by the Germany market, yet its suppliers kept pushing for it. Inventory Problems While carrying out its international business in Germany, Wal-Mart begun with just one stockroom which stocked all merchadise, this created a number of inventory problems. As per Schilke, et al., (2009, p. 46), the company faced a great challenge when it came to recruiting new employees due to the reduced wage rates it provided to the personnel. Barely, only a little number of people, especially the unskilled and less qualified proved to be available. As a result of shortage of workers for Wal-Mart, the movement of goods got delayed a problem that lead to excessive stockpilling. Despite the continued efforts nade by Wal-Mart to renovate and put its brand name across all retail stores, its EDLP message never penetrated the Germany market since Interspar's and Werkauf were not popular With the Germany customers. Employees Unrest Wal-Mart used to pay low wages and provided unconducive working environment for the workforce. The poor working conditions and low salaries posed an operational problems. While carrying out the retail stores business in the US, Wal-Mart dscouraged employees from forming labor unions whereby the staff could raise their grievances towards tha management in unison. Zou and Cavusgil, (2002, p. 56) argues that immediately Wal-Mart aquired Wertkauf and Interspar, the management disallowed the staff members from meeting each other and share their ideas and perceptions regarding the companys value of their inputs. Breach of German Laws Wal-Mart violated various German laws for it breached the act of law against restraints of competition. As per Papadopoulos and Heslop, (2014, p. 90), the German legal requirements prohibited large companies from reducing their price rates and engaging in price wars with small firms since this would discourage local business. The law allowed big business to lower prices only after providing justification for the decision to lower prices. Contrarily, The foreign investor company reduced prices for margarine, sugar, and milk. These new set prices by the firm got considered lower than cost price at which Wal-Mart bought them, this translated to a direct loss. Further, the company vilated the law that required official publishement of audited financial statements to the concerned authorities. Cultural Mismatch and Language Barrier Faulconbridge and Muzio, (2014, p. 40) states that it remained challenging for the corporation to integrate Wertkauf and Interspar. Wekauf and Interspar used different business cultures and languages something which brought up concerns over the management of Wal-Mart. First and foremost, yet decision making in Wertkauf was highly centralised with the senior management, operations at Interspar were highly decentralised in all regional units. Further, it was difficult for Wal-Mart to integrate its domestic US culture with that of the German market environment. In attempts to integrate the three business cultures and employees morale got affected by the existing regulations adopted by the firm. Also, Wal-Mart faced language barriers in the German market since the top management shown less interest in learning the German language. Whether Wal-Mart Will be Able to Improve Its Performance in Germany The Germany market proved difficult for Wal-Mart to crack something which made the company make continued losses in five consecutive years (1997-2002). The main reason for this persistent failure was the company's inability to understand the shopping habits of Germans as well as the countries business culture. The fact that Wal-Mart was unable to correct its mistakes in the German business environment shows that it would have been difficult for the company to improve its performance in the nation (Wal-Mart's German Misadventure, 2000, p. 578). If the top management was sensitive enough to the business culture and customer requirements in Germany, Wal-Mart would not have exhibited the significant losses as portrayed in its weak retailing performance across the Germany markets. Further, Wal-Mart would not have been able to improve its performance in Germany due to its poor foreign market entry strategy of acquisitions. Even after failing miserably in the Germany market, Wal-Mart still focussed on acquiring the second retail store to make its stores total to 95 in Germany. Despite the fact that there were various other foreign market entry strategies that the company could have opted for, the management proved to be ignorant and focussed on acquisitions which never suited the Germany market culture (Wal-Mart Case Study, 2014, p. 65). Therefore, it was wise for Wal-Mart to retrain from acquisitions more stores in Germany. Venturing in the US markets where Wal-Mart clearly understood the market culture would enable the company to operate optimally and achieve high profits. Conclusion Most challenges faced by the international marketers are caused by unfamiliar business climate where these firms implement their venture operations. Successful players in the global markets have the ability to adjust appropriately to the impacts of strange business conditions. Achieving a substantial competitive advantage over foreign competitors depends on a company's ability to focus on strategic perspectives which are truly global. Further, well-managed enterprises monitor the control procedures for all international markets an aspect that enables them to thrive in the foreign markets. Recommendations Apparently, business organizations planning to compete effectively in international countries should establish well-focussed global marketing strategies that are based on a conclusive and inclusive understanding of the foreign markets which the corporation is targeting. Also of great importance is creativity and innovation on the external market entry strategies suiting a particular market. Further, companies should increasingly adopt the implementation of successful implementation strategies by enhancing continued counter trading, networking, and value-based marketing strategies that suit the customers. With consideration of all these recommendations, companies will undoubtedly excel in the foreign markets. References Berg, B., 2014. Introduction: Retail branding and store loyalty. Germany: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 1-26 Berthon, P., Pitt, L., Kirk, P. Daniel, S., 2012. Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy. Business Horizons, 55(3), pp. 261-271. Christopherson, S., 2007. Barriers to US style lean retailing: the case of Wal-Mart's failure in Germany. Journal of Economic Geography, 7(4), pp. 451-469. Doodle, I. Robin, L., 2009. International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development, and Implementation. 5th ed. South Western: Cengage Learning. pp. 22-68 Douglas, S. Craig, S., 2011. Convergence and divergence: Developing a semi-global marketing strategy. Journal of International Marketing, 19(1), pp. 82-101. Faulconbridge, J. Muzio, D., 2014. Transnational corporations shaping institutional change: the case of English law firms in Germany. Journal of Economic Geography, p. 38. Fernie, J. et al., 2006. The impact of Wal-Mart's entry into the German and UK grocery markets. Agribusiness, 22(2), pp. 247-266. Graff, T., 2006. Unequal competition among chains of supercenters: Kmart, Target, and Wal-Mart. The Professional Geographer, 58(1), pp. 54-64. Grant, D., Fernie, J. Schulz, B., 2014. Enablers and barriers in German online food retailing: Supply chain forum. An International Journal, 15(3), pp. 4-11. Ihlen, O. Roper, J., 2014. Corporate reports on sustainability and sustainable development: We have arrived. Sustainable Development, 22(1), pp. 42-51. Jahanson, J. Mattsson, L.-G., 2015. Internationalization in industrial systems- a network approach: Knowledge, network, and power. 4th ed. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 111-132 Khanna, T. Palepu, K., 2013. Winning in emerging markets: a road for strategy and execution. 2nd ed. Harvard: Harvard Business Press. pp. 400-408 Luo, Y. Wang, S. L., 2012. Foreign direct investment strategies by developing country multinationals: a diagnostic model for home country effects. Global Strategy Journal, 2(3), pp. 244-261. Papadopoulos, N. Heslop, L., 2014. Product country Images: Impact and Role of international marketing. 2nd ed. Oxford: Routledge. pp. 88-90 Salvioni, D. M. Gennari, F., 2014. Corporate governance, sustainability and capital markets orientation. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 3(8), pp. 469-483. Schilke, O., Reimann, M. Thomas, J., 2009. When does international marketing standardization matter to firm performance? Journal of International Marketing, 17(4), pp. 24-46. Sethi, P., 2014. The Wal-Mart affair- where implausible deniability is the coin of the realm. Corporate Governance, 14(3), pp. 424-451. Turnbull, P. Valla, J.-P., 2013. Strategies for international industrial marketing. Routledge. pp. 20-25 Wal-Mart Case Study (2014) Hurd, Jacob; Lawman, Morgan; Salkowski, Zach; Sampson, Hannah; Stellato, Alyson. pp. 128-250 Wal-Mart's German Misadventure (2000) Nie, Mehr Suchen. pp. 537-580 Wrigley, N., 2002. The landscape of pan-European food retail consolidation. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 30(2), pp. 81-91. Zou, S. Cavusgil, T., 2002. The GMS: a broad conceptualization of global marketing strategy and its effect on firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 66(4), pp. 40-56.
Monday, December 2, 2019
World Literature Assignment Essay Paper Example For Students
World Literature Assignment Essay Paper â€Å"The question of whether ‘humanity’ still exists or has faded as a result of mankind’s narcissism†as explored in the novels ‘The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende’ and ‘Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel’. The word ‘humanity’ is unique in its capacity to be understood and defined by each person in his or her own way. A general definition is â€Å"the quality of being humane; the kind feelings, dispositions, and sympathies of man; especially, a disposition to relieve persons or animals in distress, and to treat all creature with kindness and tenderness.†We will write a custom essay on World Literature Assignment Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The authors Laura Esquivel and Isabel Allende have weaved into their works captivating examples of human behaviour in the face of challenging circumstances. The books center on the tumultuous journey of strong and passionate men and women, in their fight for love, happiness, dreams and ideals. The protagonists, mainly women, create prominent ripples in the sagas, they bring with them a sense mystery and intrigue. In the engaging novel ‘The House of the Spirits’ by Isabelle Allende, instances of human compassion are plenty. Beginning with the youngest of the Del Valle family Clara the clairvoyant, who on the surface appeared to be an innocent and demure girl, but inside was a determined, supernatural soul. The strongest evidence of the immeasurable positive change she brought into people’s lives was seen at her funeral, it brought people from the far reaches of where her love and care had reached. Clara’s husband wrote â€Å"poor people, students, labor unionists, nuns, mongoloid children, bohemians, and spiritualists – came to pay their respects.†During her lifetime she acted not only as the thread keeping her family as one entity but also aided people all around her, in whatever little way she could. Though her true being belonged to the spiritual world, she placed aside time for the people who were truly deprived. Determination and strong-will were attributes that were associated with both Clara and her mother Nivea, these distinct features that they displayed carved a niche in this world. Nivea was a driven feminist unrelenting in her battle for securing â€Å"the vote for women†in elections. For more than ten long years she fought to the uplift of women in the suffragette movement. She was a force to be reckoned with, permitting not even her numerous pregnancies to come in the way of her ultimate goal. She takes an unprecedented decision of keeping Rosa away from the vulgar traffic of the world. Clara, the precocious and clairvoyant, was her favorite daughter. Clara too was filled with the milk of human kindness. She put her heart and soul into teaching the peasant women at Tres Marias. Transito soto was delineated by Allende as a character unparallel in history. She made a cooperative for the most trodden section of the society-the prostitutes. And it was only she who made escape of Alba feasible putting her life her money at stake. Other kind and strong hearted individuals included Ferula, the sister of Clara’s husband (Esteban Trueba). Ferula devoted her life to the care of her mother whose arthritic condition had transformed her into a â€Å"monolithic being†, she gave up her whole life and slaved till the day her mother passed away. Despite every dark and bitter feeling that crossed her mind, she remained loyal. An extraordinary man who deserved to be seen in a worthy light was Pedro Tercero, the lover of Clara’s daughter Blanca. He fought fearlessly for ‘justice’, equality of all classes of people. A statement of his explained all of what he had learned from the revolutionaries, .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad , .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .postImageUrl , .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad , .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad:hover , .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad:visited , .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad:active { border:0!important; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad:active , .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u30d061263a1791c1f2fe7bd235c565ad:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drawings from Frenchmen who sailed there Essayâ€Å"in union there is strength†it signified the fact that all should become one. In the battle against brutality and mercilessness of certain sadistic men, it is only through togetherness that we can come out victorious. All these and more exemplary human beings were the picture of all good that was and still exists in this world. Similarly the brilliantly delicious novel â€Å"Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel†consists of twists and plots that bring forward situations which illustrate several characters’ ability to empathize and care for others. Dr. John Brown too is portrayed as epitome of humanity: he is the most affectionate and caring individual in the novel. He acted as Tita’s, the protagonist’s helping hand during her breakdown which ironically was a result of dealing with her overbearing and stone hearted mother, Mama Elena. He gave hope, life, inspiration and wisdom to the hurting Tita. Full of sympathy, love and warmth he showed her a life where misery and pain were not lurking at every corner, though in the end he did not receive the same romantic attention and admiration he never lost his ability to appreciate and heal anyone. Tita was never shown love but she definitely did impart it, as can be seen through her love and affection towards her nephew, the magnanimous Dr. John, his son and her sister Gertrudis. She was suppressed and abused by her mother Mama Elena, the narrator even described the widowed matriarch of the De La Garza family, as â€Å"the castrating mother who had repressed Tita her entire life†After all this, Tita somehow still found it within her to be by her mother’s side through the days of her deathly illness. The ranch cook, Nacha played the role of Tita’s mother during her love deprived years. She nurtured, taught and guided her in a way her mother never attempted or cared to, she even passed on the secrets of cooking and was the source of the many recipes which entwined the whole story and created mythical events. The recipes, the dishes and what they stood for helped keep create an enchanting novel that is a class apart from traditional ones. As I read the description of how Alba’s experience in the prison, I immediately compared Esteban Garcia’s character to that of Hitler’s. His merciless treatment of innocent people transported me to a place where concentration camps felt for an instant, existent and real. After brutally torturing Alba in ways which would reduce any human to bring an end to his/her, he threw her in a dog house which was used for a relatively short period as â€Å"no one could withstand them very long, at most a few days, before beginning to ramble- lose the sense of things, the meaning of words, and anxiety of passing time- or simply begin to die†Esteban Garcia was perhaps not equally demonic but definitely committed cruel acts that encroached upon several human rights. Inhumane in his treatment of the workers in his estate, he saw them in a light equal to and sometimes even less than animals. He violated several women without remorse and sometimes without even bothering to hide, â€Å"he was afraid of no one†, this thought of his shows how he had lost all touch of the civilized world. He had become a man without a heart and a conscience. To condemn a person to such agony and humiliation is unjustifiable, in these dark flashes described hope is lost, justice non-existent and humanity a myth. â€Å"Mama Elena was merciless, killing with a single blow. But then again, not always. For Tita she had made an exception; she had been killing her a little at a time since she was a child, and she still hadn’t finished her off†. .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 , .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .postImageUrl , .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 , .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85:hover , .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85:visited , .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85:active { border:0!important; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85:active , .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85 .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub55c3bf9fc00c3521b6f4dcca27bff85:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sprite charts EssayThis particular line I believe captures the true depth of her vindictiveness. To be able to create such misery and grief in her own daughter’s life, making her suffer bit by bit all the pain of losing a soul mate, and making her entire childhood a literal nightmare. She brought fear and terror into the heart of every person she knew; she was unhappy and was set on making everyone experience the some time in her life, she too was happy, but as of the time when the story was narrated, there were no signs of her flinching from her new found temperament. What was the most appalling and incomprehensible part of all the acts by the three indivi duals was that they performed every single foul act without even a pinch of guilt, remorse or sympathy. Humanity seemed a lost cause for such disturbed souls. Spanning over generations, the books and its characters have highlighted several issues which were present in the past and still remain today, though perhaps to a lesser degree. The question of ‘humanity’ and its existence have been brought up indirectly by both authors, but without concrete evidence of its full demise or complete presence, though there is a mixture of the two. Self-absorption and importance have shadowed love for the human race for a number of people, but there are always glimpses of benevolence. With skill and precision the subject was presented and delivered by the authors, keeping us as the true and ultimate judge of our thoughts and perception on ‘humanity’. In the darkest, vainest moment we think, â€Å"The tragedy, the true catastrophe, is that humanity continues.- Louis Wolfson†In the brightest, most inspiring moment we think, â€Å"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty- Mahatma Gandhi†Evil and good coexists in any society. We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings. All humanity is one undivided and indivisible family, and each one of us is responsible for the misdeeds of all the others (mahatma Gandhi). Humanity can never fade. It is the guiding light that is eternal, and is there in our hearts to enlighten this mortal world.
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